Introducing: 5 new team members

Tim, Sander, Mijke, Mark and Maud introduce themselves and take you through their first weeks at TeamValue.

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Our team members

In recent months we have welcomed a number of fantastic new colleagues. And that in times of Corona. We are very proud and happy with that! For some the induction period was slightly different than for others. How did they experience this period and what can you expect from them? Tim, Sander, Mijke, Mark and Maud take you along for a bird's eye view!

Tim ter Haar - Business Intelligence Consultant  

Broaden my knowledge in the field of Business Intelligence. That's what I want and that's how I ended up at Teamvalue. A small team that values development and where colleagues are willing to help you further. From day one, I've been on a steep learning curve. I am very happy with that''. Tim is involved in making reports for clients and setting up his own tool aimed at managing Business Critical Applications. He gets the most energy from creating clarity and bridging the gap between our technical and non-technical colleagues.  

Tim: ''what I've learned is that setting the right direction in information such as business goals, a business case and the translation of these into deliverables and customer journeys, are key. But also proactively communicating about it with executive teams. I help organizations by always keeping in mind why we do it, to be positively critical, to others and myself and to really 'experience' the added value. My tip? If you believe in something, go for it and involve your colleagues! It won't just fall into your lap''.

Sander Boverhof - Business Consultant

Are you ever impressed by an organization? I was when I went back to talk to former colleagues Anton and Anouchka. My personal drive fits perfectly with the idea of a small team, a hands-on mentality and great ambition. My highlight was that I was allowed to draw up a revenue model for a new product during the first working week.  

Sander is Business Consultant and works for several customers to support TeamValue colleagues. He is also the Product Owner of Bizure and is working on the further professionalisation of Modern Service Management. His MBTI profile, the method we use to look at personality and behaviour, was therefore no surprise to Sander. He has great growth potential in the area of strategic vision and is strong in bringing people and the organization together. Sander: ''I have recently been impressed by Tony Robbins, as an inspirer, but especially as a hard-boiled self-made entrepreneur. He has a quote 'Where focus goes, energy flows'. I am also convinced of that''.

The cooperation between the business and IT has improved a lot in recent years, due for example to the tendency for software to become more accessible to the business. But in larger projects you still see the challenge between achieving and clearly defining the business goals and steering the IT project.

We have a dynamic team with not necessarily like-minded people and that makes us so powerful! Curious about our whole team? Take a look at here take a look here. Want to know more about our vacancies? Then go to

Mijke Paulusse - Agile Coach

We ask Mijke how she ended up at TeamValue. Yes, that's a good story! It was the first vacancy I read. And it was one that made me happy! I knew immediately: this is what I want. This is where I need to be. I applied online in the evening, the next day Franka was on the phone, the week after that we had a conversation and now I'm here! Currently, Mijke is working on a number of internal projects to further professionalize TeamValue, creating a good basis for further growth. Soon she will enter the field as an Agile Coach.

''I go 'on' on the fact that TeamValue is different from others, and that's really true. We are a young company, we get everything out of ourselves and each other. At work, but also in life'', says Mijke. Just like the other starting colleagues, Mijke finds it bizarre how right her MBTI profile is. For her it is clear: I work from inspiration and intuition, I see quality in others, strive for unity and work towards a dot on the horizon. Above all, it tells me that I just have to be myself to get the most out of my work and the team! "Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit" is a well-known quote in meditation. That is also how I work and live. Focus on the essence, what is really important, the flow. Awareness, a goal and good communication is the beginning of everything and lays the foundation for change. Together on the road to (business) transformation!  

Mark Geneuglijk - Azure Solution Architect

I already knew Anton and Anouchka. I worked with them at a previous client. When I asked them if they were looking for new colleagues, I got the response 'if you want to talk, we are looking'! And so within a week everything was arranged.' Everyone wants to get the most out of their people, but I feel that at TeamValue this is done in a balanced way.  

Mark: ''My start was quite special. I was ready to start my first days at the office and to take part in the Teambuilding weekend immediately afterwards. But because of Corona this changed into an onboarding from home. I chose to immediately schedule calls with all my colleagues to get acquainted; this way I know who my colleagues are and they know what I can do for them''.

He is an Azure Solution Architect with a strong interest and track record in the field of IoT. Together with his TeamValue colleagues he is able to bridge the gap between Azure technology and Business Intelligence. Often you look at processes, technical solutions, but there is also a good piece of communication involved to ensure that the customer will continue to use it. I like the fact that I not only provide technology, but also added value and support for change. One of those projects where you can say later "do you remember those boxes in your meter box? We did that project...".  

Maud de Haas - Trainee Developer

After looking for an internship for a while I was at a birthday party and got into conversation with a good friend of my colleague Marco. During the interview I quickly found out that TeamValue doesn't work like any other company but that they have their own way of working. The Golden Path. They also don't mince words: if you want something you have to go for it and if you don't want something you have to be honest about that. What surprised me the most was that on day two I was already involved in a meeting where I was asked for my opinion. Every opinion counts''.

Maud already has her 'Professional Scrum Developer' certificate in the pocket and hers is now also among the other certificates in our office in Zwolle. This knowledge is very useful for the further development and scaling up of the TeamNow game. My ultimate goal is to become a full-time programmer with many different challenges and learning new techniques. I want to learn, master and apply the skills behind the game''.

Take a look at stories from other colleagues Hendrik and Stephan, Franka and Glen and Marco.

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