Opening hours
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00

Contact Us

Prefer to call right away? Contact Hans!
+31 6 4600 3171


What techniques do you work with?
We are Microsoft Partner and therefore Azure oriented. We also work with various methods and methodologies, such as BizDevOps, Scrum and our own way-of-work 'The Golden Path'. Of course, we would be happy to tell you more about the latter.
What kind of assignments can you expect?
The assignments we receive are very diverse. From cloud migrations, performance improvements, ISO certification to automated deployment and monitoring. We can safely say that 75% of your work will be new construction.
What can I mean by hybrid working?
At TeamValue, we work hybrid. It's in our DNA. Namely, we work wherever we can deliver the most value that day. Sometimes that's in the office, sometimes at the client's location, and sometimes it's at home. We do this by mutual agreement and common sense.
What should I imagine by a very generous training budget?
At TeamValue, we believe that professional and professional development is very important. That's why we offer a training budget, but with no ceiling. Yes, you read it right. We do not give you an amount. We find it more important to know which route you want to take, what you need and what it will bring you. Are we convinced of your plan? Then nothing will stand in the way of realizing your plans.
What is Modern Service Management?
No classic IT management, but a new way of working. Together with our subsidiary Bizure, you will proactively bring Modern Service Management, DevOps and the business together.
What is an XLA?
An eXperience Level Agreement. We believe that it is not only important what we do, but also how we do it. This way we always guarantee an optimal service.
What is BizDevOps
The Golden Path is our answer for implementing BizDevOps in the right way. DevOps only works if the business is involved and IT can really add value.
Why do you work with Power BI?
Power BI is a product by Microsoft. We already make a choice in that. But ever heard of the Gartner Magic Quadrant? Power BI is the leader in that area!
Why do you work with Microsoft?
We make a choice. Because if you choose, you can become an expert in something. We believe in the cloud and in SaaS. We choose Microsoft. Want to know more about this background? Feel free to contact us.
Do you only do development or also management?
We can support you in both. TeamValue specializes in building business critical applications, Business Intelligence and associated Agile Coaching on the way to following your Golden Path. Bizure, is our Modern Service Management solution that helps you move from classic IT management to a new way of working.
What is the Golden Path?
At TeamValue we use our own developed methodology. The Golden Path. This methodology consists of more than fifty principles to create maximum value. We aim for you to be able to release with 'One Button Deploy' and without downtime. No hassle, no mistakes and applicable at any time. We do the right things at the right time. The road to software that really adds value for your DevOps teams and the Business!
What do you believe in? Why should we work together?
At TeamValue we bring business and IT together. We work on business-critical applications, have a passion for data and include the transformation of a company in everything we do. We set the architecture, build dashboards, implement BizDevOps, an Agile way of working and our people actively participate in (project) teams to achieve the desired result. We combine data and intuition because we believe that IT alone will not solve your problem.
Do your colleagues only work in the Zwolle region?
No, our team members work all over the country. We focus on the Randstad and the area where our organisation originated. That is the region of Zwolle.
Does TeamValue work on cool projects?
You can judge for yourself. We think so! Have you already taken a look at our customer cases and social media?
Are there any easter eggs on this website?
Why does Anton hate herons?
"Because they are the most dangerous animals on earth."