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March 3, 2023
Cloud Leaflet
Your busness always online, stable and reliable in the cloud? TeamValue is your Microsoft partner for the Azure Cloud on the way to One Button Deploy!

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March 3, 2023
BI Leaflet
Receive the first valuable insights within a month? Steering based on data with the help of Power BI. That is what you want!

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March 3, 2023
Humanitas & TeamValue Case
Data always traceable in the Cloud. Reports in Power BI, monitoring based on XLA and a standardised process with The Golden Path.

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April 7, 2023
BizDevOps Leaflet
Do you really bridge the gap between IT and Business? You can do that with an Agile Way of Work. Our way of implementing BizDevOps in the right way.

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New post!

In the digital age where technology drives the way we work, collaboration is becoming increasingly challenging. Teams are scattered across different locations and working on a variety of projects, so connectedness can quickly be lost. How can we ensure that team members stay engaged despite this distance?

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July 19, 2024
Team huddle: A weekly moment for connection and effectiveness in your team