Cookie Statement

Dutch hospitality is a cookie with your coffee or tea. Digital hospitality is a cookie for a website visit. Cookies make our website user-friendly. In this cookie statement you can read our information, what cookies are, which cookies we - and third parties - use, why these cookies are used, how long we keep cookies and how to delete cookies.

Our info

TeamValue Group B.V.
Hanzeplein 11, 8017 JD Zwolle
Phone number: +31 38 20 22 306
Chamber of Commerce number: KVK 63688069
[email protected]

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that store information. We, or other parties, place these text files on your computer or mobile device. For example, in your next visit, we are able to read your preferences or login details in the text file. This means that you do not have to indicate your preferences again and we can make the website more user-friendly. Under the heading "Cookies Overview" you will see which cookies we place and what they are used for.

Note: If you do not consent to placing cookies, we cannot guarantee that our website or any part thereof works properly.

Overview cookies

Functional necessary cookies:
We place functional cookies to make our website work well. No permission is required for placing these cookies. This concerns cookies that make sure preferences are saved, information is remembered when you go to another subpage, logins are stored and it is remembered if you have given permission to post cookies.

Social media and YouTube cookies:
To share content from our website on social media, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram will place cookies. For watching videos, cookies are placed by YouTube.

Tracking cookies:
We continuously improve our website by analyzing how you use our website, how you found us and where there are any bottlenecks. Cookies are placed by Google Analytics, Facebook, HubSpot, LeadInfo and LinkedIn and we're using remarketing and analyzing clicks/buttons as well as conversion.

Ad cookies:
To ensure you do not see the same ad every time, offers match your interests, we know how many visitors click on an ad and how many people eventually make a purchase cookies are placed by Google, Facebook and Twitter.

We do not store cookies longer than required by law and not longer than is strictly necessary for carrying out the purposes.

If other parties place cookies, their cookie statement applies. This may change in the meantime. The current cookie statement can be found on the website of the party concerned.

You can also delete cookies

Via your web browser (the programme that allows you to view websites) you can delete cookies. How this should be done depends on the Internet browser. We have created a short guide for the most common Internet browsers.

Google Chrome: Go to Settings, click Advanced Settings, click Clear Browsing Data, select Cookies, and Other Site and Plugin Details, and then click Clear Browsing Data.

Internet Explorer: Go to Settings, click Clear Browsing Data, select Cookies and Saved Website Data, and click Delete.

Safari: Go to Preferences, click Security, click Show Cookies, click Delete All, or select one or more cookies and click Delete.

Mozilla Firefox: Go to the menu and choose Options, select Privacy, choose use custom settings for History at Firefox, click on Show Cookies, click on Delete All Cookies, or select one or more cookies and click on Delete Selected.

Is your web browser not included? Or have the settings changed in the meantime? Then use the help or search function of your Internet browser.


We can change the information in this cookie statement without notice. Changes are required, for example, if we modify our website or if the legislation is modified. We encourage you to check regularly if the information provided and the text of this cookie statement have been changed.