Business Transformations

Make your business agile, flexible and innovative

A well-oiled machine. That is the result after a business transformation with TeamValue. An organisation where business and IT speak the same language and where market insights form the basis for decisions. Always with the common goal in mind. That sounds appealing. And it is. This is what we at TeamValue are all about.

A transformation takes time and patience. By giving injections at the right moments and places, we break patterns and look for the right balance. Both individually and within DevOps teams, and always with the same goal in mind. That is why we always take people's behaviour into account. We positively change team attitudes and teach departments to work better together. And preferably Agile too. So that everyone stays on-track. A successful change throughout the organisation. Will you take on the challenge with us?

Yes, I want to take up the challenge!
Grip on data

Build a bridge between business and IT

Unfortunately, we see it often enough. A high brick wall between business and IT. Not really conducive to good cooperation, and certainly not to the common goal. With TeamValue we break down that wall and build bridges in your organisation. How? By analysing IT teams and connecting the business where necessary. We map out the right route and take the result as our starting point. This is how we create a transformation that delivers value and increases productivity. In no time your business and IT will be speaking the same language, which will be of great benefit to you now and in the future!

Read our blogs on how to do this
Grip on data

Shorten the time to market

Do you want to shorten the time-to-market of your organisation and focus on market insights? Our business transformers know what to do. We get use the full potential of your team, because we understand your process which goes beyond your IT. We look at the entire chain. So are you about to embark on a Move to the Cloud project and want to set up a Cloud Competence Centre? Then you've come to the right place.

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Grip on data

Scalable agile working - lasting behavioural change

Agile transformations often fail. The main reason for this is that there is no common goal, the new way of working is not applied by everyone or the process is not transparent. Within the Rockefeller strategy, your organisation goes through a number of phases, each of which has its challenges. Our Agile Coaches help you to implement a change model. Always with the result for the business in mind. How mature is your organisation? How is its performance? And is it collaborating in multidisciplinary teams? 

Ask our experts
Grip on data

Optimize your DevOps teams with Agile Scrum

With Agile Scrum you create powerful teams who are able to scale. Our certified Scrum and Agile experts help improve the coördination, communication and structures within your organization. Where necessary, we involve the business and ensure sufficient ownership and responsibility within the teams.

We combine our Agile coaching with intuition, a golden combination for really good collaboration. We start small and build our way-of-work further and further.

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Grip on data

Transform to a new business model

A new business model requires different behaviour with a clear translation to the work floor. You would prefer this change to be bottom-up. After all, more support leads to better results. A business transformation requires time, patience and attention for both the organisation and the employees of an organisation.

But also a good plan. We have years of experience with different methods, like MetaPlan, Business Model Canvas and Theory of Constraints to make a plan that works best for your organisation. Our culture is focused on mutual support and providing the best knowledge from our expertise. Our experts make sure you get the best 'best practices' to become a successful organization.

Grip on data

How do we do it?

Always with the result in mind. Do we need to adjust? That's no problem either. We tackle the transformation with guts and a little bit of cheekiness. Do you dare?

Making a plan. Working the plan. Make it even better. Make it yours.

Microsoft Gold Partner

Microsoft Partner

How do we implement the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework? And how we put business-critical applications in the cloud in a safe, flexible and scalable manner?

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Our Business Transformation Experts  

TeamValue team member
Rebecca Visschedijk
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Business Analyst
TeamValue team member
Agnes Post
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Business Analyst
TeamValue team member
Asjen van den Berg
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Business Analyst
TeamValue team member
Anne Versteegh
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Scrum Master
TeamValue team member
Gert-Jan Bos
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Agile Coach
TeamValue team member
Simon de Vries
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Business Analyst
TeamValue team member
Alex van Putten
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Agile Coach
TeamValue team member
Franka Juta
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Agile Coach
TeamValue team member
Anouchka Oudhof
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The Golden Path

The road to software that really adds value

As an IT consultancy club, we do and can do a lot. What we do and don't do? We've shown you in this map. Are you ready for the journey towards a stable and secure cloud environment? Real-time dashboards? A new way of managing? Or a business transformation where DevOps teams really work together? Start your adventure from beginning to end or take a look at each 'station' by clicking on the icons. Together we will build the bridge to software that really adds value. With The Golden Path.

IT Value Scan
Business Transformations
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Go to Internet of Things
Go to Critical Applications
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Internet of Things
Critical Applications
Business Intelligence

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+31 6 4600 3171

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