Team huddle: A weekly moment for connection and effectiveness in your team

In the digital age where technology drives the way we work, collaboration is becoming increasingly challenging. Teams are scattered across different locations and working on a variety of projects, so connectedness can quickly be lost. How can we ensure that team members stay engaged despite this distance?

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Interim team captain for team business transformation, Annelies of Inn-Spiratie, has a good tip for this. The team huddle. A simple, yet powerful way to strengthen cohesion and foster collaboration.

What is a team huddle?

Creating a steady rhythm is essential for a well-functioning team. A team huddle, a weekly meeting where team members meet live or online, helps with this. Our business transformation team meets every Tuesday morning at 8:30 am. Whether you are physically present in the office or participate via Teams, we encourage everyone to attend and contribute to the collective dynamic.

Why did we introduce the team huddle?

As interim team captain, replacing a colleague on maternity leave, I wanted to gain insight into the dynamics within the team. What I discovered was a strong need for more connectedness within our consulting organization. Although the work takes place primarily at the client site, regular contact with your own team is essential to really feel like a team member. A huddle is an approachable way to strengthen this connection.

The effectiveness of team huddles

Team huddles are effective because they are simple and practical. Without regular communication, you miss the opportunity to think together and solve problems together. Trust and connection happen when you see and know each other. A huddle is simply an agreement to meet regularly and inquire about what is on everyone's mind.

How do you start a team huddle?

Start simple and don't overcomplicate it. We started with a format based on the Rockefeller Habits, a practice that has been used within our company for some time. It is similar to a daily or weekly start and we do it on Tuesdays, so that most people are back at work and you can prepare well for the week.

I wrote down three concrete tips so that you can start tomorrow, so to speak.

Three concrete tips for a successful huddle

  1. Tight agenda: Provide a clear structure to ensure efficiency and avoid becoming a social chat. Our agenda includes:
  • A grade for your personal thermometer (how you feel).
  • A grade on the team thermometer (quality of cooperation).
  • Share good news to encourage a positive mindset.
  • Discuss your "Big Three" goals for the week.
  • Name snags you could use help with.
  1. Preparation: Make sure everyone answers the questions before the huddle begins. This prevents a tea party and ensures focus. Post the answers beforehand in a Teams post so everyone can read along.
  1. Discipline: Consistency is crucial. Regularly explain why you are doing the huddle and make sure everyone understands its importance. This increases the likelihood of high attendance and engagement.  

The Big Three and personal leadership

A lack of focus and connection are often the biggest obstacles within teams. By discussing the Big Three (three most important goals for the week), you foster personal leadership and ensure a shared focus. Especially in consulting, where you tend to always help the client, it is essential to keep your own goals in mind as well.

Create connectedness within your organization

A team huddle is an effective way to foster cooperation and connection within your team. The secret is in simplicity, consistency and a tight structure. By applying these principles, you build a team that is not only client-focused, but also develops a strong bond between them.

Work with our consultants to introduce the team huddle within your team. Contact Hans Borkent at [email protected] or +31 (0)6 4600 3171. He will be happy to tell you more about our services in the field of business transformation and Agile coaching.


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