The role of Scrum Master - In conversation with Anne

Meet Anne!!! Years active in the hospitality industry. Now a passionate colleague at TeamValue. How does she like it? You can read it here.

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Our team members

Tell me, who are you? Hi, I'm Anne. With a very different background, I've been on the shop floor at TeamValue for over a year and a half now with great enthusiasm and pleasure. I started as Scrum Master of a team that works on dashboards for different parts of the organization. With these dashboards we ensure that it is faster and easier to gain insight into the issues at TeamValue. That way it is easier to make quick adjustments.

The switch from working in hospitality to working in IT

What a world of difference! Where in my previous job I noticed that I was always "on", even at off times, I now experience much more peace and quiet and have a real weekend.

Before I joined TeamValue I had no practical experience in IT - apart from a boot camp in front-end development. At Bizure, I was able to learn a lot about the technical side at lightning speed, which also helps me in my current role as Scrum Master. I now have an assignment as Scrum Master at the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.

I have learned a lot both at Bizure and at TeamValue, and I keep learning, both professionally and personally. I find that characteristic of TeamValue: the bar and the pace are high, and because of that you are very stimulated in your development here and you see that you grow quickly. You always feel the safety in this from the organization and the team, everyone is ready to help you.

Continuously optimizing the process

The question I get very often is, "what do you actually do all day as a Scrum Master?" - and I can tell you a bit about that! Your day usually starts with chairing the daily(s). Here the team discusses with each other what they are working on, whether they have run into any problems and need help, and we see how the sprint is progressing. I also work closely with the Product Owner, and together you make sure that your stakeholders are kept up to date on progress. Ultimately, it's all about a culture of continuous improvement. We do this by giving feedback and encouraging each other to keep doing so. We keep looking for ways to optimize the process.

You are also often responsible for bringing some order into the chaos. You may be starting on an assignment where work has already been done, and then it can take some searching. To bring structure to that and provide order is super valuable!

I find that empathy, communication and being energetic are of great value. I think it is important to be able to empathize with another person, to communicate in a pleasant way, and to be aware that that way of communication can vary from person to person. In addition, it's nice if you bring some energy. Work should be fun, it is here! So it is important that in addition to hard work there can also be hard laughter.

Showing guts

TeamValue is a company with guts! We don't settle for being average: we want more. Everyone here is different, but we are also the same somewhere - the TeamValue DNA? We are stubborn, but at the same time very kind to each other. There is an open atmosphere here. You just know you'll hear if something is going on. There is room to have and discuss differences of opinion, but perhaps even more room to have fun. Because like I said, work should be fun, and it is here!

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Anne Versteegh
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