Xander 7 years with TeamValue. A magic number and many milestones further!

He is celebrating his anniversary. And of course we are celebrating with him! I n this blog, more about the expansion of the team, assignments and his milestones.

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Our team members

Xander is our chief nerd and CTO. In everything about Business Intelligence and Data Analytics he goes "on" and colleagues and clients know where to find him. Those who have watched his video know that he drinks the most coffee in the office, is a professional idiot, is full of energy and as an adult still enjoys playing with lego and competing in darts. Xander's history with TeamValue goes back some time.... He has now been with the club for 7 years and is happy to take you through his moments of success!

Magical collaboration and team expansion

''The world of BI mostly consists of a lot of logic, but sometimes you need a little magic too,'' Xander said. ''What I mean by that? Well, without nice colleagues, challenging assignments and also just a bit of guts and fun in my work, there's nothing to it either. 14. That's our magic number. Half of 14 is? Exactly. 7. For many people, the number seven is their lucky number. Likewise for Xander. A moment to look back and forward for a moment. ''Driving forward by looking in the rearview mirror.'' Yes, you've heard that one before, too, and it remains true for me and our field''. Earlier we wrote a blog about that statement and where the collaboration with owner Anton Cnossen once started. Meanwhile, TeamValue is bigger than 2 people. There are 28 of us. Male/female, young/older, techie/technical and all with our own character and experience. ''I have the privilege of always working with technically savvy professionals who want to keep developing''.  

The highlights of last 7 years on the team?  

  • Its own office in Zwolle at the Hanzeplein (soon one in the Amsterdam area as well)
  • Our 5th anniversary and the helicopter flight
  • The growth of the team that really took flight this year
  • Our first Gold Partnership with Microsoft a few years back that we have since managed to build on considerably
  • The team days that surprise every time
  • And I'm sure I've "forgotten" a few more....  

Magic BI assignments  

Xander: ''The foundation of the team has to be good. That's what you pick an employer for. In addition, the content of my work is very important. I have been able to do great jobs for ING (in cooperation with Microsoft), KPMG, Humanitas, Air Miles and so on. We don't give up when things get exciting or less fun. The personal click, cooperation and shared success in achieving a project makes you feel the magic again. I always remain interested in trends, my client's market and what value they are looking for (even if it changes in the interim). I haven't done an assignment the same in 7 years. That's cool! I don't want to be purely seconded. I want to deliver value at the places and times where it is needed and I am trusted in that along with the team by the clients.  

Curious about more? Also read:

Magical way of work and lame jokes

The Golden Path and its principles... Yes, there's a lot to say about that.... Xander: ''I have a penchant for patterning, automating, transferring knowledge and making cloud and BI environments workable and secure.'' A statement many will recognize from me? Hands off production! Most BI practitioners still develop on a production environment. We find that strange. We apply the same process as with cloud. Want to know how? Read more back about Automated Deployment here.  

Apart from the serious note, there are also plenty of jokes that stand out behind TeamValue's "doormat," such as "Do you like a BIer too?" or "When are we going go-karting again? We'll drive each other off, then the team will fit on 1 track again...''.  

Do you also believe (a little) in magic? Go to https://jobs.teamvalue.com/  

Want to read more about Xander and our BI team?

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Xander Kuiper
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