In love with the Cloud

About the love of development, why our colleagues are still in love with the cloud and how they look to the future.

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Business critical applications

Building mission-critical software that is resilient. Putting down rock-solid architecture in the cloud. And applications that make life easier for its users. That's what you do as a Cloud development team. But why did we ever fall in love with this field? Why does the relationship continue? How do we look to the future? And how in love are you really?

Where the (pre)love of development originated

Where the cloud adventure ever began? Hendrik once fell in love with technology via a C++ floppy disk. Jaap has loved everything to do with software, hardware and physics from an early age. So it was no surprise that he found a job in IT and still works energetically within this field. And Joe has been into solving puzzles, playing with lego and the Rubix's Cube ever since he can remember. Do you spot Joe with his lego puzzle?  

The love for development and then specifically the cloud has caught on. Hendrik is Azure Solutions Architect, Jaap Cloud Developer and Joe Intern Cloud Developer at TeamValue. Together with the other colleagues they form team Cloud. Together with team BI and Agile Transformations, we work on The Golden Path - the road to software that truly adds value.  

Why we're still in love with the cloud

For Jaap, working within consultancy is important. No day and assignment is the same, you learn a lot and there is less risk of getting bored with the solution, technology and the team because they alternate as well. ''There is always a challenge in acquiring the right information and ultimately putting it to use to address the problem,'' Joe says. Hendrik adds, ''Our field is always evolving and you're engaged in creativity in the abstract. The security component that has become more and more important in recent years makes our work valuable and challenging''. Jaap: ''The opportunities you get as a team member to work with new techniques, challenging assignments and a club of nice people, that makes me still in love with the cloud and will remain so for some time! There is always something new, there is always another customer with a different problem in a different domain. Have you read Joe's latest tip yet? Upgrade to Azure Functions 4.0.

Also in love with Software Development and Cloud Engineering?  

Are you also a professional puzzler? Do all your solutions also need to be deployed 100% automatically and do you also can't stop talking about scalability, zero down-time and One Button Deploy? Are you looking for the security of a team, do you want to work with new techniques and develop yourself further? Then find out if what we do and how we do it makes your heart beat faster.  

Check TeamValue | Cloud Consultant

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