Cloud Tip - Upgrade to Azure Functions 4.0

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Business critical applications

It was announced during Microsoft Ignite and in November it was here. The release of Azure Functions Runtime 4.0 combined with support for .NET 6.

Why you, too, should upgrade to Azure Functions 4.0.

If we ask our colleague Joe, it's pretty simple. It is the latest version and we like to work with new techniques. Thereby, Functions Runtime 4 combined with .NET 6 is much faster than its predecessor(s)! We tested and implemented it for our agile management game TeamNow. Development on your own development machine also gets a boost with Functions Runtime 4 and .NET 6. Where it normally took a few seconds to load, it's now done in no time! We have to do that about 40 times a day and as Developers we are impatient... This saves a lot of time when creating requests.

Whereas in .NET 5 there was still an intermediate step in the process of bringing two languages together, you no longer have that with .NET 6. Code efficiency has improved, the difference is small and so the risks are reduced. And also LTS (long time support) has been promulgated from Microsoft for .NET 6. This means that - if necessary - we can use support for this stack for a longer time. So for us, in terms of stability, reason enough to upgrade. Myself and our customers.

Can we support you with this upgrade, transformation to the cloud and your business-critical applications that you need to rely on 24/7? Check it out here.

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Joeghanoe Bhatti
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