On hybrid working, continuous development and sustainable collaboration

What today's generation finds important in his/her job? That is no longer just substantive cool work. It's more, and that's a good thing.

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What today's generation finds important in his/her job? That is no longer just substantive cool work. It's more, and that's a good thing. Incidentally, everyone has different needs depending on age, family situation and work/life commitments. We want to work partly remotely, continue to develop - on a professional and personal level, and we have sustainability as a high priority. Because we know that we want to have a good time, but so do the generations after us! So how does that work if you work at an IT organization? Well, read on!

Remote or hybrid working? Don't be limited

Remote jobs and workations are flying around your ears these days. People need to arrange their own time, freedom and a good work-life balance. They say it's because of Corona ... well, I don't quite agree. We started thinking more about what we want and don't want, but the need to work remotely or hybrid was there for many even before 2020. Many organizations didn't want to get into it before that, but most have since been converted. And fortunately so! Because if results are still being achieved (and perhaps better!) why impose "rules"? I myself am the living example of hybrid working. I don't like working completely remote, because I want to see my colleagues once or twice a week. From home I work more focused, I have time to exercise before/after/during the working day and I make optimal use of my energy level. Working from home sometimes means in the study, sometimes at the Vinkeveense Plassen, visiting a client, working at a coffee shop or working from another office at a professional colleague. You name it. Whether you're into this or not, isn't it nice to have that freedom, to be able to make your own choices and to have a collaboration based on trust? At TeamValue we say: ''One day we'll be in New York and have satisfied customers all over the world. You understand where we want to go and you grow with us''. Well, on this one, then, we take that very literally.  

This is what colleague Hendrik wrote about professional and personal development > Hendrik 2 years on the job and active within 2 roles: Azure Consultant and Teamlead at TeamValue

Continuous development - and for once not for variety!

Perhaps the most important reason for many to choose a new job. Because that's what you do when your development comes to a halt. It's about value, about getting and bringing. Becoming more efficient as an organization and wanting to leave something behind for society. And wanting to grow as a colleague within your field and (yes, everyone wants to do that or should do that...) in your soft skills. You know the drill: the annual performance review and the request for development budget. How nice it is when there are frameworks, but no maximum. That you can decide at any time what is needed right now within your development. Because let's face it, that benefits your employer and client as well. At TeamValue you submit your own growth plan/business case and show what Value is attached to it. We do this not only within our projects, but also within our development. I feel the space to learn something here every day and am proud of how we meet the goals (almost) every quarter. This is how you keep developing continuously. Even towards the turn of the year. And not for a change! Now I hear you thinking.... I want to work part-time, how about that? Even then there is plenty of room to develop. We're a family at TeamValue, but we also understand that your Ohana deserves some attention at home. See other FAQs? > FAQs about working at TeamValue

Also read Stephan's story on how he combines data & intuition as a BI Consultant

Sustainable collaboration - seek reinforcement

Adaptability, challenges and taking responsibility. They are central when it comes to sustainable collaborations. And those collaborations can be with colleagues, with clients, with partners and with associations or other organizations. We all sometimes think, ''What am I getting out of bed for? What is my (digital) footprint? How sustainable am I actually working and what am I leaving behind?'' Personally, I think it's important to stay socially involved. How do I do that? I support a number of charities, give blood structurally at Sanquin because I hope people would do the same for me if I needed it, eat and buy more consciously and I always look around me outside or in the supermarket to see if there are people who could use a hand. At TeamValue, that's how we try to do our part too. How we do that? Family is number one. As a team, but also the family at home. We sponsor PEC Zwolle, we choose our own way of working which we are convinced is sustainable. Man or organization, you can't do everything alone. That's why we always say: ''A sustainable cooperation? Look for reinforcement!''  

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