FAQs about working at TeamValue

Working at TeamValue. Where we bridge the gap between business and IT and where we stand for Digital Business, Human Results. What questions do we often get?

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Our team members

We give you an inside look and answer questions we often get from our network and applicants. 10 frequently asked questions about working at TeamValue. Everything at a glance.

1. The office is in Zwolle and I don't really live nearby anyway. How often do we come to the office?  

We are working hybrid. We did the same before corona. That is, we work where we can deliver the most value that day. Sometimes that's at the office, sometimes that's at your client's location and sometimes that's at home. We do this in consultation and with common sense. Colleagues live in Groningen, Zwolle, Utrecht, Amsterdam and everything in between. On average, we come to the office once a week. On the other days we also definitely have contact with each other to spar about technical solutions or our so-called 'Who are you gonna call' in which we update each other on how things are going and what request for help we have. And in that we don't just talk about work.

2. You exude a lot of individuality and guts. What is the ratio of safe work environment vs experimentation?  

Yes, daring is important to us. But you can't be daring without a safe home. We believe that you can only be open and honest with customers if we are also open and honest with each other as a team. Together. Because we believe that if you have room to develop yourself, everyone will benefit. Initially, you will work mainly within your own area of expertise. Depending on your ambitions, you will obtain new certificates and continue to work from your familiar base. And who says you can't show guts if you do what you've done before? It's all in the way!  

Furthermore, we often get this question: what is (approximately) the division between bug fixing, new build/new features, getting rid of technical debt? Well, that varies per customer, what project we are doing and what phase we are in. We can promise and say with certainty that 75% of your work will be on new builds.

3. I would like to develop. How will I be supported in this by TeamValue?  

You get a training budget with no ceiling. Really, yes, really. Together with circle engineering, you discuss your next steps. Your development plan actually works as simply as implementing any other idea. Anyone can come up with an idea. If you have a plan, you check it with the team and ask for feedback. You submit your plan and if you get approval you implement it (possibly with a colleague).  

Within our field, developments are so rapid that in addition to certifications, we have a Nerd-talk on Thursday mornings and regularly attend events. Colleagues are encouraged (if there is an ambition) to give webinars and tech sessions internally & externally. And if you can appreciate our humor, that's a plus. ;-) or a must anyway...?

4. What exactly does the benefits package look like?  

What you get as a Consultant besides challenging assignments and working for big names? Working according to our way of work The Golden Path, choose your own device, sports, a salary between 3-6K per month depending on your experience, 10% vacation pay and 26 vacation days, an annual Ohana BBQ including family and Christmas dinner with partners, team outings, 2x a year a team day and of course a good mobility allowance and a pension contribution. We must have forgotten something else, because we too are developing every day.

5. What techniques and tools do you work with?  

Our team consists of three circles. We have colleagues within Cloud, Business Intelligence and Agile Transformations. We are Microsoft Partner. So we make a choice. Techniques and tools we use include: C#, Azure, MS SQL, ASP.NET, .NET Core, Git, Jira, DevOps, React, Javascript, MVC, Redis, TypeScript, Visual Studio, .NET 5, CosmosDB, Azure DevOps, Visual Studio Code, CSS, PowerShell, Power BI, R.  

6. What does the team look like in terms of personalities and seniority ratio?

Our team? On this page you'll find the "face book" and how we look at a team and your possible place on that field from a soccer perspective. We have a dynamic team with not necessarily like-minded people and that is what makes us so powerful! Our team consists of a good mix of juniors and seniors. From very senior - more than 15 years of work experience - to colleagues starting as junior developers after their internship. Are you curious about our vacancies? Take a look.  

7. What exactly do you stand for? What is your vision for development?

Alignment, successes and fun result in an excellent organization. With that, we create real value. We bridge the gap between business and IT and we do so in our own way. We combine data and future orientation with intuition and lasting behavioral change. This allows customers to continue to follow the Golden Path even after we are gone. Because we are one of the few IT companies working on the basis of Customer Intimacy, we believe that afterwards, based on the value we deliver, you will come back to us again and again.  

Agile. Especially Scrum using Azure DevOps. Some clients use SAFe and/or Nexus for organization. We work with quality gates, peer reviews, automated tests within the CI/CD pipeline and sonar for static code analysis. We also work CI/CD and do bug tracking with Azure DevOps. We are always looking for the path to software that really adds value.  

8. What are you yourselves most proud of?  

That's too much to list by now. Are you curious about the milestones of the past 7 years? You can read them back in this mailing. We are most proud of our customers with whom we are able to start real business transformations. How do we implement the Golden Path at customers and bring the worlds of business and IT together? You'll find out in our customer cases.

9. Can I spar with a colleague without obligation?  

Sure! A techie likes to talk to another techie. Logical if you speak the same language. You can always contact our colleagues without obligation. Send them a message directly or leave your details and we will make sure you will be matched with someone. So aren't sure yet if working at TeamValue suits you. Just go explore!  

10. What does the application process look like?

A 4-step plan. After your application, we call you. Together we'll see if we can schedule an initial interview. Does that interview go well on both sides? Then we'll schedule a second interview. Are we all still just as enthusiastic after that? Then we will make you an offer and say 'welcome to the club' and the now famous signing moment will take place at the high table in the office.  

Hopefully you've gained more insight about our team and how we work. Do you have a totally different question? Do not hesitate to ask them via [email protected] or directly to one of our team members.

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