The Golden Path

The path to software that really adds value! The Golden Path is our answer to implementing BizDevOps the right way. We like challenges and deliver what we promise. We bring your message to IT ánd the business. Are you ready to walk the Golden Path with us?

The Golden Path Principles

1. Doing the Things Fast - Principle of Flow

Predictable and foreseeable delivery in IT. It is still a challenge. Time-to-market is key. We don't just do anything. Why, with whom, when and with what value. Automated too, with as few hand-offs as possible. From work in progress to delivery.

2. Doing the Right Things - Principle of Feedback

Ops gives feedback to Dev. This is about ownership and quality. By monitoring, for example, we keep an eye on whether we are delivering the quality that the business expects and also on whether development gives feedback on why they have made a certain choice. Feedback is collaboration.

3. Doing the Things Right - Principle of Continual Learning and Experimentation

Business and IT working together optimally. With our One Button Deploy, the business itself provides the release to production. We look at the value delivered for the organisation and the market. Want to know more about how to keep improving? Download the slide!

The 3 Dimensions

Doing the right things (the value as) Business - daring to adjust your roadmap in an agile way and daring to set priorities. Your business case and stakeholders as well as product owners play an important role in this. There is a common goal and the vision is laid down in the Value Proposition. All stakeholders are involved and services are aligned with customer needs. We change for value!

Doing the things fast (time-to-market as) DevOps - manual adjustments are a thing of the past. Repeating errors are recognisable and easy to solve. We automate your processes as efficiently as possible. An optimally agile, automated construction of processes and systems that can take a beating. Architects who think 10 steps ahead and actively involve the teams in continuously changing requirements & wishes.

Doing the things right (quality as). Business Ruling & Operations - the business wants and DevOps delivers, but you also know that your processes must comply with laws & regulations. Being able to deliver the same high quality, but then also predictably and securely in the cloud using Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and the Security & Quality Framework.

I want to work this way. Let's go!
The Golden Path


All 3 principles together form our Golden Path. You see how Dev and Ops ultimately become BizDevOps. Delivering as much value as possible for the business together.

Facilitates in all tools and procedures to create, maintain and release features with a "Production first mindset. 100% compliant with company regulations and without noticeable downtime for customers.


Interactive Development
- Empirical Process Control
- Self-Organization
- Time-boxing
- Value-based Prioritization
- Collaboration

The Golden Path

The Golden Path

The road to software that really adds value

As an IT consultancy club, we do and can do a lot. What we do and don't do? We've shown you in this map. Are you ready for the journey towards a stable and secure cloud environment? Real-time dashboards? A new way of managing? Or a business transformation where DevOps teams really work together? Start your adventure from beginning to end or take a look at each 'station' by clicking on the icons. Together we will build the bridge to software that really adds value. With The Golden Path.

IT Value Scan
Business Transformations
Go to Bizure
Go to Internet of Things
Go to Critical Applications
Go to Business Intelligence
Go to TeamNow
Go to Business Transformations
Go to the IT Value Scan
Internet of Things
Critical Applications
Business Intelligence

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Digital Factory

DevOps, yes we often have the same goal, but it can be done faster and at less cost. That is why we use BizDevOps. We leave a Digital Sofware Factory behind in the end, so you are able to adjust in an agile way. Even after we have left.

Fail often, fail fast. Without increasing FTE and capacity, it is possible to achieve production for customers without downtime. Your benefits?

1. Scalability
2 . Platform 27/4 uptime
3. Insight into performance of DevOps teams
4. Planned work
5. ISO in order

Questions? We are happy to answer them
Digital Factory

One Button Deploy

Are you also convinced that you gain insights from data, that you can use it to your advantage and that this has positive effects on the results and the way of working within your team? Whether we start with one of our three core areas, eventually we will combine all worlds. We do this together through 'The Golden Path' principle.

The business delivers (new) functionalities with a push of a button without the users realizing it. Your business is never off the air.

Contact us
One Button Deploy


Our vision comes from the book 'The Phoenix Project'. Reading it was only the beginning of the journey we are on with our team.

We certainly have a technical conscience. So does a helicopter view. According to the scrum methodology, we make sure we are always "on track". Most importantly, we bring your IT to a higher level and focus on continuous sustainable growth.

The Golden Path was not invented by us. It is a proven methodology and its origins lie in the following books: The Goal by Goldratt, The Phoenix Project and The Unicorn Project. The latter is our proverbial Golden Path Bible. Everything we do, but especially how we do it and the foundation of TeamValue can be found in this book. We make sure that you can steer based on data and insights and that we do not turn IT into a 'black box'. You actually have to see IT as a supply chain that delivers value to the business. This is also what Gartner said.

"As CTO it is your job to ensure fast, predictable and uninterrupted flow of data. TeamValue helps you do that."

I share this vision and would like to work together
The Phoenix Project

Join our team!

Release your application at the press of a button!