In love with Agile Transformations

About the love for agile working, the assignments of our colleagues and why they are still 'in love' with the field?

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Business transformation

Business and IT working together efficiently. That's what makes our hearts beat faster. A well-oiled machine that keeps the business agile, flexible and innovative. We optimize DevOps teams with Agile Scrum and go for scalability. That's our job. But why did we ever fall in love with this field? Why does the relationship continue? How do we look to the future? And how in love are you really?

Where the (pre)love of digital transformations originated

''Nothing is more fun than making teams more mature and better that they eventually don't need you anymore. To discuss precisely what people find exciting, where things chafe and where team members dive for responsibility,'' says our Agile Coach Franka. She adds: ''I always liked coaching teams, but I noticed that it was especially fun with 'chaos' in the teams. In addition, at my previous employer I worked with many IT specialists and it was precisely with those specialists that I felt a click''. With a hefty backpack of experience as Project Manager, Sales Coach and Talent Manager, Franka noticed that it was time to really guide those digital transformations within DevOps teams. And so it happened!  

Colleague Alex also fell in love with Agile working years ago. ''I ended up in a large software development project where people had to develop faster, better and cheaper. On paper, the change was all thought out, but change is still primarily about people. I was asked to supervise this and it gave me a tremendous kick to achieve the desired result together. Organizations no longer have to be hierarchical and management-driven to become successful. Multidisciplinary teams. If you don't have them yet, get moving!''  

Why we are still in love with the Agile way of work

Everyone still has so much to learn. From themselves, from each other, from other organizations and new techniques and tools. The world is changing rapidly and we are never really uiglearned. ''Challenge is number one,'' says Franka. ''As an Agile Coach, I help our clients implement their Golden Path. I implement 1 way of working, based on the Agile Principles. My main role is coaching different DevOps teams in achieving the business goals''.  

No team is the same. Every assignment you do in consulting is challenging. So we look at each organization to see where the real problem is, where we can deliver value first, and how to build on that in a healthy way that results in lasting behavior change!  

Alex agrees. ''No team is the same, but no day is the same either! We keep improving and transforming, because change is the only constant''. There should be a good podcast sometime, according to him. One with legs on the table. About change processes. And why those are sometimes seriously exciting and also very valuable!  

Also in love with business analytics, scrum and agile coaching?

Do you also believe that business & IT cannot live without each other? Do you want teams and organizations to break through their own glass ceiling? Is an open and honest culture in combination with achieving results important to you? Are you like us in love with Agile Transformations? As an Agile Coach at TeamValue, you play an indispensable role, working with the team to ensure that progress becomes transparent and everyone works together more efficiently and with more fun.

Working with Franka & Alex? Check out TeamValue | Agile Coach

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We combine data and foresight with intuition and lasting behavior change. How. We wrote out the first steps for you in our BizDevOps cheat sheet. Download it now for free and start your digital transformation today.

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