Business Transformation: Why technology alone won't solve your IT problem

An IT company solves all your problems? No, definitely not. Where other companies fill in the question with a technical solution, at TeamValue we look at the problem behind the question.

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Business transformation

An IT company solves all your problems? No, definitely not. Where other companies fill in the question with a technical solution, at TeamValue we look at the problem behind the question. That is our starting point. That is what we call Business Transformation. Sander, Azure Solution Developer, shares his experience so far and gives you insight into his own SCRUM process.

Am I a business transformer?

Quite honestly, when I went looking for a new job, I was looking for a position that didn't exist. I am not a programmer, I am not a database administrator and I did not know everything about Azure. What I do know is that I solve problems for people using technology'. In the past I have had several roles and, in short, I hate being put in a 'box'. So you can imagine that I had a good think about that. What exactly suits me and how I can explain my added value to an organisation'. Together on the road to Business Transformation!

Thinking for yourself, learning new things, being challenged and showing a bit of guts now and then. Character before skill! That is exactly what I want and what attracts me to TeamValue.

Technology is often not your starting point

I came across quite a few vacancies via Indeed. Three stood out for me and they were from the same organisation, TeamValue. As a versatile, sometimes slightly headstrong IT professional, I could identify with all three profiles. So instead of thinking: too bad, my profile does not fit any of the vacancies, I responded anyway! Why? I was challenged to think about myself and your CV is old as soon as you get out of bed anyway, because we develop every day'.

A personal way of addressing people on the site and in the vacancy texts is important to me. It is also important to communicate on a personal level and to focus on OHANA. Where they really look at you as a person and where a good work-life balance is in the DNA of the organisation '. When I had my first interview at the office less than a week later, I was immediately recognised. You must be Sander', Maurice asked me. I experienced the entire application process as very open, informal and a direct fit. I sometimes wondered, is this too good to be true? But after I also had a conversation with Anton and he told me as the owner about where he wants to go with TeamValue, I was completely convinced. Not everything can be positive, but he was very honest and that lasts the longest, isn't that what they say?

I told Xander, the nerd in charge of TeamValue, that I sometimes find PowerBI really irritating and that it doesn't always solve all the problems for me. That I like to look beyond just technology.'

My own SCRUM process at TeamValue

The great thing about my new role is that I am not only responsible for the proper implementation of technology, but I am really at the frontline of the decision-making process. At customers and also at TeamValue'. Listening, giving feedback and improving is the motto! My own first sprint when I was only employed for a fortnight consisted of a nice team day, a helicopter flight on our 5th anniversary and even in my first month a visit with four other colleagues from the technology circle to Microsoft Ignite. So to put it mildly, I had a very fun, strange, intensive onboarding to stay in aviation terms.

Don't hover. Do you like a challenge and are you secretly a technical rebel? Take a look at

(Speech) waterfall?

Haha, yes, if you let Sander speak, the conversation sometimes overflows with enthusiasm and a real waterfall of words ensues. At our customers, Sander brings structure, advises on how Azure works and coaches various departments.

Technical development is what I do in width, coaching people and making sure that the business and IT are closer together provides more depth.

Did you already read Joost-Jan's blog in which he explains how business critical applications are actually a kind of Lego blocks that we make smarter, faster and safer every day? The logical next step is to integrate and adopt a process and behavioural change, and that is exactly where the opportunity for an organisation like us lies. 'In addition to my work with customers, I also work on internal projects, the management and Business Intelligence side. CCOE (Cloud Center of Excellence) is something you often hear at our office. This is something we believe in and in which we often collaborate with Microsoft. Many customers are now taking the step in their Business Transformation.

The nice thing about my job is that I am involved in business transformations beforehand and stay involved afterwards. That way, you also see the direct impact of the 'leftovers' you leave behind.

Personally, I see most questions from the business world in the area of:

  • Reporting needs
  • Azure services implementations and deployment of PowerBI
Want to know more about how we add value to customers or Business Transformation? Check out our website!

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