Marco - 13 months and 100 days with TeamValue

An eventful year. An exciting year. A successful year. A beautiful year. One year, and a little more....

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Our team members

It has been 13 months since my last blog in February 2020, and what a special period we have been through together. Since 13 March 2020, everyone has been working from home with us. As TeamValue we will certainly not have been unique in this. What is perhaps unique is the fact that within one day we also had all the facilities to work well from home. Our systems were already set up in such a way that working remotely was standard. But there was also an extra screen, keyboard and desk chair ready for me in no time. What has happened in the meantime? I'll take you through my first 13 months and 100 days in service.

Azure DevOps assignment at ING

In my previous blog post I wrote about my assignment at ING. Despite the coronavirus, my work as a Trainer and Onboarding Consultant for Azure DevOps teams at ING has continued as usual. Well, 'as usual'. A lot has changed in just one year. Where we used to give two classroom trainings per week for a maximum of thirty people per session, we have now scaled up to two online trainings per week for, in principle, eighty participants. I say basically, because the largest group we gave a training to this week was 95 people. With this many participants, it is no longer possible to provide the training alone, which is why, for groups larger than 50 people, we work in pairs. One person does the presentation and demonstration, the other monitors the questions. In short, a completely different way of working. But that's also why it's very scalable and socially responsible, because there is no need for physical travel. 

What also works very well are the so-called 'Ask the Expert sessions'. Twice a week we give the teams the opportunity to ask their questions about everything related to the migration to Azure DevOps. Together with the Onboard & Plan team, supported by other teams from our squad and the ING community, we answer as many questions as possible. On average, we answer about three questions per team of about 25 teams per session.

The result? A migration that is now really starting to take off. September last year, I was sent home a memento that over 1,000 teams had migrated to Azure DevOps in about eleven months. 4.5 months later, that number had already doubled. Over 2.000 teams and 11.000 users are now active in Azure DevOps. A great achievement! 

Over a year at TeamValue

In addition to a lot happening at ING, a lot is happening at TeamValue. Despite the difficult market developments initially, we have been fully committed to growth since March 2020. The team grew by six people (which is quite exciting with an onboarding that takes place entirely online), we started with the 'coffee machine conversations' and we started a new game every quarter. A game linked to our own growth model based on the Rockefeller model. It is highly recommended to stay connected through gamification. We were rewarded for achieving our goals with a game console, wireless headphones and a delicious (home) Christmas dinner. My colleague Franka will tell you more about this soon, so keep an eye on the website. 

We also invested in employee training, which resulted in everyone, including our intern, gaining at least one Scrum certificate to keep our knowledge level for Agile working up to par. We also invested in Microsoft certificates which resulted in 6 competences. Three at Gold level and three at Silver level. 

All in all, a very special period in which TeamValue and I have certainly not been idle. A period in which I have supported customers and TeamValue with full energy. What gives me even more energy? The online moments with the team, working together with colleagues and beautiful conversations with customers and ambassadors who work with and for each other. 

I look forward to contributing to the organisation in the coming period and hope to visit customers and TeamValue in the office again soon. We are still social animals and working from home is sometimes nice, but working together with colleagues really adds value. Technology is nice, people are nicer. 😊

TeamValue - Digital Business, Human Results

Everyone is looking for you, but you are looking for us! Will you be my colleague and will we work together on cool assignments? Take a look at the jobs we have open and who knows, we'll see you soon!

Curious about my previous blog when I was only 100 days into my job? Read it back here.

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We combine data and foresight with intuition and lasting behavior change. How. We wrote out the first steps for you in our BizDevOps cheat sheet. Download it now for free and start your digital transformation today.

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