Joost-Jan 4 years at TeamValue. About the 4 important building blocks in his work as a Cloud Consultant

A blog about cool cloud assignments, sparring with colleagues, personal development and Ohana.

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Joost-Jan is a Cloud Consultant at TeamValue and once made the comparison that cloud architecture is a lot like building with Lego blocks. In case you missed that blog, you can read it back here. What 4 building blocks have the past 4 years of TeamValue consisted of for him? Cool cloud assignments, sparring with teammates, personal development and Ohana.

1. Cool cloud assignments

What makes assignments as a Cloud Consultant at TeamValue different from those of your competitors in IT land? The projects are always outside your comfort zone! Exciting? Yes, definitely. Do I want that? Yes, right! Of course, not everything is new, but there is almost always a component in them that you haven't dealt with before. Whether that's a piece of technology, a new language or a client in a different industry: For me it means that I have cool assignments. Within other organizations where they lauter do secondment, you generally have almost no choice in your assignments. At TeamValue we do consultancy and I do have that. An assignment really has to fit in with my next step. We believe in something and stand for something.

2. Peers in the circle Technique  

You may have heard or read about it before: The 4-eye principle. We apply this both in our development process and when giving feedback. Earlier I wrote the following about Why it's the Golden Path of IT and the Business. Sparring with peers is a must in our field and when you have colleagues around you who feel the same way, it's a treat! If I come across a problem, there is always someone who has already had that experience or has looked into it. You help each other. At TeamValue I know everyone personally and I know exactly what someone's strengths are. That makes the team feeling. A safe base that I can always fall back on. And my colleagues on me.  

Also want to read: In love with the Cloud 

3. Personal development

Not only on the technical front are we developing rapidly. There are also plenty of opportunities on a personal level. A coaching program can be part of your growth plan. Isn't it those soft skills again? If you look at our team, you see techies (Developers and Engineers) and technicians (Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters). All of them can think along at both IT and business level. That is precisely why we are consultants! You are "forced" to go through your own ceiling and everyone always grabs that opportunity with both hands.  

4. Ohana

Ohana means family. I sometimes see my colleagues more often than my family. In corona times, of course, that has changed somewhat, but I do see TeamValue as my second family. That's also the reason I work for a scale-up and not a big corporate. I really want to belong somewhere and be able to have the real conversation. I can just be myself here and that's when I'm at my best. At the end of the day, the biggest compliment is when we as a team are asked back by the customer. And that happens all too often. Our successes are our satisfied customers and the combo of safety & guts we have together.  

Would you also like to "build with lego" and experience what these building blocks look like in practice? Check out opze vacancies at

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Joost-Jan Huls
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