Implementing Azure B2C setup - use case TeamNow

About the advantages of the Azure B2C setup and how to implement it properly.

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Business critical applications

Configure the Azure Active Directory B2C provider''... Yes, it has been possible for some time now. And we tried it out immediately. For our solution TeamNow, for a number of clients and we looked for examples that we all recognise from our private lives. What are the advantages of the Azure B2C setup, how to implement it in a good way and how we did it? Read on!

What are the advantages of the Azure B2C setup?  

Recently, colleague Hendrik shared something on LinkedIn about the Azure B2C setup. In case you missed it, you can read it back here. Not only Hendrik, but all circle cloud colleagues are working with the new technology. They are clear: we can recommend following, implementing and using it. We list the advantages for you:

  • Business and IT spend much less time processing data from new users. Company onboarding has never been easier, we just need to add the tenant and they are connected to our system. You enter three values and your user management is done.    
  • The user is in control of the login choice they make. Above all, it is fast and without intermediate steps. As a user, you enter your e-mail address once and it is forwarded to the correct identity provider. This way you can log in to your own organisation and everyone manages their own customer data.  

Why is this so great? As a techie, you want to apply logic. Why be difficult when you can onboard new customers with 1 'simple' line of code. It requires a little extra complexity at first, but after that complexity disappears completely. This saves routine work, time and money. Push to the online environment with one push of a button.  

Conclusion: Do you like a challenge? Do you want to fix this yourself? We explain how to get a good implementation.  

What you need to do for proper implementation

You know the examples from practice... Running with your smartwatch and keeping track of everything via Strava. Logging in to various sites and apps with your Google or Facebook account. All those passwords and password managers. You don't want to spend too much time with them.  

What steps did we go through? What do we need to take into account? Is there a checklist? Difficult to determine. It depends on the situation, organisation and technology. The end result is always the same: we want building blocks with which we can automate a clear process. Making these blocks is often the most difficult puzzle. After that, it becomes relatively simple.

  1. The user enters his/her email
  2. We validate whether the customer is known to us
  3. The user logs in to his own tenant with name + password and in the case of a managed device, there is Single Sign On.
  4. The TeamNow B2C receives a token from the customer and enriches it with the roles and rights known in our system via the IDP (identity provider).
  5. The token remains valid for 10 hours and automatically refreshes in the background

What we do is not necessarily unique, HOW we do it is. The authentication mechanism takes care of the application. It is the ideal solution for web apps with many users and connected partners. Via the user's ID, we can immediately assign certain rights and you, as an organisation, will immediately be GDPR-compliant. We implement this according to our Golden Path architecture principles: No Hassle; Self Service; SaaS before IaaS.  

How did we do that for TeamNow, Air Miles, Qualogy and KPMG, among others?

Applications with a Self Service Portal are nowadays unthinkable. Security becomes more and more important when we start automating customer policies. Air Miles and Qualogy give you an insight into our customer cases. Would you like to know more about how to align business and operations, how to optimise workflows, how to obtain ISO certification and how to subsequently organise the management of your application?  

Featured example - TeamNow

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More information about this blog? Get in touch with the author(s).
Hendrik Middag
Joeghanoe Bhatti
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