We say 'goodbye' to Joost - Thank you!

He is leaving the TeamValue nest, but not unnoticed...

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Our team members

Joost Postma is leaving us. But not before we have thanked him for everything and he has promised us to drop by from time to time or ever come back. Where his adventure with TeamValue started and how he looks back on three years with our club? One thing is for sure! There is no such thing as saying goodbye forever.

Who knows!  

Yes, the saying suggests otherwise, but Joost really does know everything, according to the team. Colleagues and clients - everyone could turn to Joost. ' 'Kill the process'' is therefore a saying we won't soon forget. Joost has known us since his time at RDW. Back then, TeamValue was asked to support the transition to the cloud. He quickly found out what we are good at. Putting business-critical applications securely and scalably in the cloud. Why he finally made the switch? He believes in our way of working. How we bring business and IT together. In a professional way without losing sight of the fun.  

''Agile working is a must if you really want to achieve something within a complex environment,'' said Joost. He was allowed to put our way of working - The Golden Path - into practice at the Municipality of Amsterdam, Ahold and Humanitas, among others. Joost: ''In three years' time I was allowed to take on various roles. Those of Delivery Manager, Scrum Master and Product Owner. You are not pigeonholed here, you do what you are good at and indicate where you want to develop. I appreciate this openness enormously and it has brought me a lot.  

The coolest thing about TeamValue? ''Being allowed to explore your best self. Being able to go against something if that makes the solution better, being able to ask the 'why' question without a strange look and always daring to look beyond the 'usual' solution. Positively critical professionals? Yes, I would say: do you feel addressed. Apply!''  

You've got Post(ma), oh no mail!  

As Service Delivery Manager at Bizure, he has received many emails, tickets and phone calls. All aimed at making management flexible, secure and reliable. Modern Service Management is what we call it. Just take a look at Bizure.nl. Joost sometimes called it his "office baby. He has been there from the beginning and now he has handed over the work to colleagues Marco and Matthijs.  

Joost:" Letting go is not my strongest quality. Therefore, when I had told that I was going to leave the TeamValue Group and therefore Bizure, my biggest concern was: How do we make sure that things will work out after I leave?

Fortunately, we quickly found our intended Support Engineer in Matthijs. You notice the difference right from day one. Not only for ourselves, but also for our clients, who are approached even more actively in cases where something arises regarding their services.  

I didn't know that my own replacement was already working for us. I was therefore very pleased that Marco wanted to take over. With his experience and qualities, I could not have wished for a better successor. I wish both gentlemen every success at Bizure!"  

Always part of the TeamValue family  

The most important thing I take away from my time at TeamValue? ''That you're always there as a team. I may have been the consultant who saw the client, but as much as the team could come to me, I still could and do come to them. It feels like leaving my work family behind. That "Ohana" they always talk about is real and I still feel that connection. I suddenly go from team member to ambassador. And I always will. I know from my time before and during TeamValue that the team is capable of transforming (government) organizations. Putting together that integral puzzle, the principles of the Golden Path, Ohana and the combo between safety & guts. That for me is TeamValue. Always has been, always will be''.  

We say 'goodbye' to Joost. We will miss the Groningen sobriety, flexibility and his constructive comments during meetings. Although it is not quite his cup of tea, Joost was a bit emotional during his farewell drink. Cheers! To a top team and a top network!

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