From classical IT management to Modern Service Management based on Microsoft Azure

From a classic management environment to a new way of working: Modern Service Management. Focused on monitoring and reducing unplanned work.

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Modern Service Management

Are you a Cloud Transformation Manager, Service Delivery Manager or do you see from the Business that a new way of working is required? Do you want to move from control to freedom, autonomous DevOps teams and get rid of central and time-consuming IT processes? We will help you on your way. With Bizure you start the transition to Microsoft Azure on the basis of the Modern Service Management Framework. What exactly does that mean and how will you be able to release quickly, roll out new functionalities more often and make an impact on the process, system and people? Scroll through quickly.

The biggest advantages of Modern Service Management vs classic IT management

Dynamic management of your business-critical applications. No classic IT management, but a new way of working. Your applications safely up-and-running in the cloud. Focus on relevant insights for maximum results. Who doesn't want that?  

Organisations are looking for Service Management to match the desire for a faster time-to-market, approvals without downtime, independent releases, One Button Deploy and your own dot on the horizon. Our answer is Modern Service Management and our Framework, part of the Golden Path. Less gate keepers and no more uniform scripts, but infrastructure as code, less workload and so on... Within the Framework we determine together what and when should be checked and especially why, who should do it and in which uniform way this happens.

From busy intersection to well-oiled roundabout

Business value always comes first. But as an IT department, you don't want to be dependent on the business and vice versa. IT wants to deliver, in a reliable, secure and continuous way. You really want to work together and be responsible for the management of your service. With Modern Service Management there is more involvement, speed, more insight into data. What does it add up to? More innovation and a transition from controlling to facilitating and ownership. Metaphorically speaking, you used to stand on a busy crossroads and now Modern Service Management helps you to a well-oiled roundabout. Other benefits for your DevOps teams?

  • Monitoring Security - because a secure cloud is key and you want to be fully in control. This is how you comply with all ISO standards.
  • Monitoring Quality - are you predictable, does the qualitative output meet expectations? You are able to adjust for maximum business value.  
  • Monitoring Cost Management - you gain insight into your IT costs with the advantage that the system analyses savings and investments on the basis of these insights.  
  • Monitoring Resiliency - resiliency principles allow your systems to handle the unexpected in the right way, because it is your business-critical applications that are at stake.

On the road to a modern way of working according to Microsoft Azure with Bizure

Where the modern OTAP street and One Button Deploy within Development has long been the standard, it is now also within Business Intelligence. We wrote this blog about that earlier. It is time to start the transformation! With Microsoft Azure in combination with a real-time dashboard you are able to implement your development, BI and management according to the same Golden Path.

Curious how we apply Modern Service Management at Qualogy? How we managed to do that at RDW? Or what we are currently working on at Ahold Delhaize? Just ask one of our experts for a cup of coffee, free of obligation, or simply ask your burning question 😉 😉 We'll be happy to answer it.  

Read more about Bizure's approach here

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We combine data and foresight with intuition and lasting behavior change. How. We wrote out the first steps for you in our BizDevOps cheat sheet. Download it now for free and start your digital transformation today.

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Marco van der Steijle
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