The terms Techie vs technite explained - who are you?

Techie vs technite - who are you?

October 25, 2024
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Techie vs technician

Simply put, a techie with us is someone who understands code, touches it, writes it, uses it to make smart automations and builds mission-critical applications. A technite is someone who doesn't touch code but does non-IT work and then works with the systems. Think of our agile transformation team, office management, marketing, sales, etc. Techie or technite? It's important to speak the same language, "turn on" the same values and work together toward a goal. Everyone who starts at TeamValue has to laugh at this comparison. We also wrote a post about it on LinkedIn. But what exactly does this collaboration entail, and how do techies experience working in a tech company?

Working at an IT Consultancy club

Work as an Account Manager, Office Manager and Online Marketer at TeamValue. They are the support functions, also called the internal backbone. Besides our technology colleagues (Cloud Engineers, Software Developers and Business Intelligence Consultants), we technites work a lot with each other and with our IT people. So is working at an IT Consultancy club for technites a conscious choice? Not for Hans and Maria it is. Maria comes from the IT industry and was looking for a position in a similar company. j But both Hans and Maria particularly liked the way of working within TeamValue, the family culture, helping to build and develop the organization and working together within the team. Hans adds:

''From the past, as an Account Manager, I am used to the time/material model of interim management/consultancy.companies. It was a relief to see and feel how we do that differently at TeamValue. Here the focus is not on billing as many hours as possible, but on truly adding value to our clients. There is far-reaching teaming with both colleagues and client stakeholders, which makes there a joint accountability for the result.'

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This is exactly what Maria is all about. ''I am involved from A to Z with everything around office support and HR. Billing, onboarding of new employees, HR policies, setting up new systems, you name it. Ops is not just limited to 1 specialization. Never a dull moment!''

For Malique, working within IT is certainly also a conscious choice. ''There the developments go fast, colleagues often quickly see the value of (content) marketing, there are many updates to share and great stories to tell. You also quickly touch the tech aspect of a role as a Marketer. The new projects are about campaigns, data and new systems to be set up''. As a techie within IT, what else does she find cool about her job? Read about the job transfer here.

(Technical) highlights of the past year

In a world in flux, we share best practices, failures and successes. What have been the highlights for Maria, Hans and Malique so far?

For Maria, her tenure to date consists mostly of highlights. She is involved in many new solutions, she has seen quite a few new colleagues come in, and in her role as Office Manager, she can actually initiate change. And that's not the case everywhere. ''Often it is mainly implementation. And it was precisely the combination with depth and the genuine team spirit that I sought and found at TeamValue''.

For Hans, it is mainly the good balance between responsibility and freedom he has in his role as Account Manager. In terms of experience, the moment he went to the PEC Zwolle - Ajax match with a number of customers. Not merely the poster was what our relations came for, but mainly to give appreciation to the way of cooperation we entered into with them and our commitment to the result. ''Our model of Customer Intimacy therefore suits me very well,'' Hans said.

Malique agrees with what Hans and Maria say and adds: ''Here more than ever I have a white A4 sheet where I can make plans, execute and adjust. Literally no day is the same and I cope very well with that. Like many of my other colleagues, I don't necessarily like routine and who knows, maybe in the future I'll go for a double sticker on my laptop...'' Want to know what techies say about working at TeamValue? Then take a look among our blogs.

Who are you?

Are you techie or technite? Whichever one you feel attracted to, a hard choice is not always necessary! We build bridges between Business and IT and we are looking for new colleagues for both 'boxes'. Are you looking for an employer where you can really build with us, have control over your own career and where we work together as a family?

Curious about other TeamValue tiles? Then follow us on LinkedIn or Instagram.
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