TeamValue job highlighted - The role of Business Analyst in practice

As a Business Analyst at TeamValue, you will provide a true (digital) transformation.

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Asjen and Simon both work as Business Analysts at TeamValue. They bridge the gap between business and IT. But what does that role entail specifically? What do they do for clients? Why do you work in two worlds as a consultant? And what do they say makes their work so great? You can read it in this blog. Straight from practice.

The myths of working as a Business Analyst unraveled

What do you tell at a birthday or along the sports field about your job as a Business Analyst? Not a difficult question for the gentlemen. Simon: ''I am concerned with the future and look at what is needed to achieve a certain goal''. Asjen explains that - together with IT - he helps improve and automate business processes.

Both agree. IT should be supportive of the rest of the organization. But then business and IT must learn to understand each other better. Exactly where these two men help our clients.

The main myth is that Business Analysts spend a lot of time building code. Simon: ''In our roles, that's not the case. On the other hand, it's also not the case that all we do is write requirements.'' Asjen: ''Business Analysis is not assembly line work. A requirement is often a kind of 'black box'. Behind an apparently simple change there is often much more background and complexity. As Business Analysts we map this out and ensure that all noses are pointed in the same direction. What exactly do we need technically, what is the best way to weigh various interests and how do we communicate about this? Empathetic listening is a much sought-after skill.''

''Ambitious projects. That's what we're all about. Sometimes this means stepping out of your comfort zone. This takes yourself, as well as the organization, to a higher level.''

Why communication is at least as important as technical requirements

Engineering. It is our field of work. It is a big part of our work. But besides technique, communication is just as important. Maybe sometimes even more important. Through user stories, through text, in conversation with each other, but also in non-verbal communication. Simon: ''As Business Analysts we have to be able to sense that well, listen, ask questions and make solutions tangible. Preferably with a visualization, so that it comes to life for everyone and stakeholders are willing to adjust their behavior for the higher goal.''

The biggest challenge so far? According to both of them, that is that interests sometimes conflict. You have to identify all the different perspectives in order to get a good discussion going. Only then can you reach a solution. Asjen: ''Within organizations, everyone has their own views, wishes and requirements regarding a certain subject. This makes change complex; everyone has different expectations. Our task is to make the 'complex' tangible.''

''Communication is key. We don't just fill a role. We collaborate with TeamValue colleagues, the client and our freelance community''.

The evolution of Business Analysis within digital transformations

Asjen has worked in a variety of roles. From Information Analyst, Scrum Master to Product Owner. And today as a Business Analyst. All roles have a common denominator: translating the needs of the business tangibly and concretely to IT. Simon agrees. ''The role of Business Analyst at TeamValue in practice is fun and complex. With one customer we ensure a uniform way of working while with another customer we mainly participate in the daily process. Always based on the same principles. We are transparent, show exemplary behavior and take responsibility. Want to know more? Download our BizDevOps leaflet.

If we look at the evolution within business analysis, we see more and more issues around Data Ops work. But also around getting a clear roadmap, collaboration between teams or building a data warehouse with reports that the business can understand. All assignments are about structure and a clear line of communication. Exactly what our way-of-work 'The Golden Path' applies.

''The tacklers of the future look beyond the question. They do more than what is asked of them. Where 'value' and good communication are always number one.''

Become a Business Analyst at TeamValue

Are you convinced after reading this blog? Is this role written on your body? Then apply for the position of Business Analyst. We look forward to hearing your story. Take a look at the vacancy.

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More information about this blog? Get in touch with the author(s).
Simon de Vries
Asjen van den Berg
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