Simon & Ton - From Value to Team

How a LinkedIn ad and years of following us on social media caused both men to have no choice but to apply....

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Our team members

Yes, not just those posts, of course. Especially the value expressed in all the stories really appealed to Ton and Simon. They both started at TeamValue a few months ago. Ton as a Business Intelligence Consultant and Simon as a Business Analyst. As colleagues, we call them team members, they are part of our Ohana (means family). Why "From Value to Team? And why the men chose to scale-up and what they love about their work and about the organization? They take you through...

The Value - on what value we went to

We asked the men how they got in touch with us. In Simon's case, we had been on his mind for almost five years now. Why? ''In my work, I find it important to really work together and come up with innovative solutions that ultimately deliver results. That has to be done with a considerable knowledge of IT and analytical experience, and that may come with a sense of (dry) humor. When I realized that the latter is almost a 'must do' at TeamValue, I was convinced. Hard work, lots of learning and room for fun. In 1 word: value!

Ton turned to that same value. The video on LinkedIn in which colleague Stephan talks about what 'delivering value' is to him was spot on, according to Ton. ''I do like (a little) ambition and that came across so clearly that I almost had no choice but to respond. As a junior, you don't know everything yet and that's not a bad thing here. By sparring with seniors within the club, the opportunity to obtain certifications and the always positive-critical outlook, I grow every day. But it's not just the development. It is also the family feeling that is strongly present here, which feels very pleasant''.  

Both men agree: we only really add value when we are able to combine IT and data with agile working and business analysis. Coincidentally, that's where our roles come together nicely. You only really know if you succeed when colleagues keep challenging you and when clients walk away with you. And that's what we're all about. Working effectively and efficiently with behavioral change as a result.

The Team - how we are part of an ambitious team

''There is a distinct and idiosyncratic view of IT consulting here. To me, an employer is more than a logo on a paycheck,'' Simon says. ''I'm pragmatic myself but occasionally I want to get out of that comfort zone. That certainly works at TeamValue. We don't get stuck in the past, we look for new ways of working and we always keep a question/tip/suggestion in front of someone. Call it learning on the job but above all call it formalizing knowledge in a dynamic environment.  

Ton: ''From what I hear, I go to work with just as much energy as Simon. And we also come home with that same energy and that is really important to me. It's not the most obvious projects we get from clients. They are the challenges that are entrusted to us and I really like that as a compliment. The reason I choose an ambitious scale-up rather than a large corporate is because I can then also help build more than just the technology''.  

About the collaboration and what you can expect from us in the near future

''Actually, I hoped it would be the way it is,'' Ton says. ''The atmosphere in the office, the energy, the collective 'Who are you gonna call' in which everyone does an update, the drive to obtain certificates and gather knowledge, and the cooperation across disciplines.'' Simon: ''There is a casual steady rhythm of looking each other up and in this we are open to each other. And that's not just about work''. On a birthday, both men now tell a different story about what they do in IT land. We agree specifically when an assignment is finished and when we have delivered the desired value. This is often slightly different from what people are used to hearing from other IT clubs. And that's when the fun conversation starts!  

Are you looking for just such a fun conversation and curious if we're looking for you and you're looking for us? Then check out our latest Ohana video or check out the job site.

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More information about this blog? Get in touch with the author(s).
Simon de Vries
Ton Hilhorst
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