Sander leaves the TeamValue nest and flies out

Thank you Sander Boverhof. A valued colleague. A rock-solid Consultant and Business Analyst.

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Our team members

Sander Boverhof. A valued colleague. A stellar Consultant and Business Analyst. When he joined, he was no stranger to our club. Owners Anton & Anouchka already knew him from the past when they both worked for another IT organization. Sander's ambition and drive always stood out. In corona time he came on board. Unfortunately for us, he also flies out in corona time. But not without a look back at a great time.

Connecting with the team is key

Working as a Business Analyst is about the connection between business and IT. But just as important is the connection between colleagues on a team. Sander: ''At TeamValue I have seen that IT is not only about structure and expertise, but also about connection and communication with each other and the customer. Of course we knew that all along, but it is often forgotten. I came to provide even more structure, but above all, don't underestimate the people who work at TeamValue. They are all top-notch. You can get anyone to spar with a customer like that. Techie or technician''. When we ask him if he himself is a techie or technite he has to laugh. ''I say I am not a techie, but secretly I am a nerd. Xander even asked me once if I shouldn't just come work at circle BI because I could handle data models,'' he adds. He also indicates: the mutual connection of colleagues is high. You can only cherish that as an organization.

The cool projects at Telindus and Air Miles

''I have always admired TeamValue's proposition - The Golden Path. Something really stands. We have a plan, set a course and really work together. The way we work, the how we do it, I will definitely take with me into my follow-up career''. Cool projects? He's certainly had those. Sander says he left two satisfied clients behind - with a little pain in his heart. Meanwhile, he has confidently handed everything over. At Air Miles he participated in the start-up of a new Data Warehouse where he was responsible for the preparation of the backlog, requirement analyses and the entire project planning. Requirements Engineer and delegated Product Owner is what we call it. And at Telindus? There he delivered value within the scrum team and was the right hand of the Product Owner where major changes were implemented in the operational area.'' It is precisely the combination of methodical and pragmatic that makes TeamValue strong. There is an 'always can do' mentality that really initiates change,'' Sander said. I will certainly not forget the professionalization effort we were able to make with Bizure.

Delving deeper into Azure DevOps and Power BI

Work hard, play hard. ''I've really felt that way last 1.5 years. Everyone is super competitive during the quarter games. And Secret Santa? I'm already balking that he won't be on my doorstep next year.... Sense of humor and family feeling always remain. Apart from all the cool stuff, I was also able to develop a lot in terms of content. For example, I never expected to learn so much about Azure DevOps and Power BI. I am grateful to the team members for that!'' That proverbial hot seat Sander leaves behind is waiting for you. Take a look at our job site for the Busines Analyst vacancy. A small addition he would like to add? ''Don't fit into a 'box'? No problem, because here you can talk about your work and discuss everything. There is room to discuss doubts, critical moments and opportunities for development''.

Mister Waku Waku is really flying out now after all....

Mister Waku Waku? Yes, in addition to that serious undertone, we were also allowed to enjoy a new animal news story every Friday. On Friday afternoon, the "Who are you gonna call" concludes with this now tradition. How exactly that originated we actually don't even remember.... But that we ended his farewell drink with a real 'Waku Waku quiz' that was for sure. It is not yet known who will take on the honorable task of 'animal knowledge master', but the team song and input for the first weeks is in any case ready on Teams!

The reason for his departure? Those are personal reasons and have nothing to do with TeamValue. ''I am going for community involvement and more time with my family and work nearby. Ohana. Maybe that was already in my DNA and only strengthened at TeamValue. I was able to have really open conversations about that''.

Sander, thank you so much for all your dedication and the animal/bird bug. We will miss you and secretly find it not so lighthearted to see you fly out. Although we know we will meet again anyway and knowing you, you will rise to unknown heights. Just do it!

Want to read more from Sander? A look back at corona time or take a look at ‍Workat TeamValue
We said goodbye to Sander in style

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