Colleagues speak - day in the life of an IT Consultant

Curious what you do as a Cloud, BI or Agile Consultant? Marco, Stephan, Alex, Hendrik, Jaap, Xander, Scott and Joe tell us.

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Our team members

We are often asked what exactly such a workday of our consultants looks like. We asked them. Would you like to see our entire team and determine your place on the soccer field - within this now no longer team?

Jaap Meems - Cloud Developer

''You have a point there.'' Something we often hear in the office. Short and to the point. I am Jaap Meems, Cloud Developer at TeamValue. We are a close and family team that has great customers and does cool projects with very interesting techniques! I am mainly working on keeping various integrations between applications in the cloud up-to-date. I am currently doing this for Lifetri. Together with my colleagues and the client's operations team, we learn new things about Azure every day. We've only just started, but already it's cool to see the Storage Hub being used to copy existing applications to a read-only environment. Terms like Terraform, pipelines, function app, etc. are no stranger to us. We are enabling the business to use cloud technology and we are going to do that for many great years to come! ''In a few years I can call myself Azure Specialist and I really get the space here to work hard on that''. Read more from Jaap?👉

Stephan Stravasius - Business Intellingence Consultant

''One Button Deploy. Not because we have to, but because we can and it helps us tremendously. It gives us control, overview and convenience making a release a simple process''. I'm Stephan Stavasius, Business Intelligence Consultant at TeamValue and currently mainly working to help customers put down a process that multiple international teams can use to release dashboards to production. We provide a self-service BI platform that can take a beating and is future proof. By putting automated deployment into practice, little by little teams see the value and don't want to go back. That's what you do it for! Peace, structure and overview will take you to results in many ways. Take automation, data and yourself to the next level. ''Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value'' - as Albert Einstein said.

Joeghanoe Bhatti - Cloud Developer

''Don't settle for less''. Make sure your assignment is always challenging enough so that you always keep developing in whatever area you can. Keep learning is a must for me. My name is Joeghanoe Bhatti, Cloud Development Intern and I am working on our game, TeamNow. A game that helps customers make the scrum process (e.g. via Azure DevOps) more fun. I work on architecture, security, API management, Azure B2C, an integration of a buddy app and ''snapshots'' for game history. This also includes a Self Service Portal. During this assignment, I mainly work with Hendrik and Joost-Jan and other Cloud and BI interns. The cool thing is that I will be working more in C# and working on new skills again during this final internship than during the previous internship. When I came in to TeamValue, I knew very little about the cloud. Now I work on developing apps and APIs and know my way around CI/CD and Azure Functions, for example. ''The sky is no longer the limit''.Just like Joe building business-critical applications?➡️

Xander Kuiper - Data Engineer and BI Architect

''No routine. It has to stay a little exciting''. Keep learning and looking for assignments that fit. That is what I like to do. I am Xander Kuiper, CTO at TeamValue and working for clients as Data Engineer and BI Architect. I go 'on' on a project team where everyone strives for the same values and goes for results. I am currently working with colleagues to set up a new and modern Data Warehouse at Air Miles with the goal that they can achieve faster, bigger and better analyses and campaigns. So what do we have to deal with? Uniformity, data marts, being auditable and transparent, achieving higher process efficiencies and a full deployment pipeline based on Azure DevOps and Teradata. Oh, I lie when I say you can't detect any routine in me at all, because coffee is first things first in the morning of course! No one is more important than the team. ''Good companies inspire themselves. Great companies inspire others''.Also working with team BI?👉

Marco van der Steijle - IT Service Manager

''We can't adjust the wind, we can adjust the sails!'' Getting people moving. That is what I love in my work. I am Marco van der Steijle, Service Manager of Bizure and Project Lead for various projects from TeamValue. Context switching is no stranger to us. What I do next quarter is sometimes a surprise. I am currently helping customers from Bizure with improvement proposals and reports based on our smart monitoring and BizDevOps process. At Air Miles/Loyalty Management Netherlands, I focus on the planning and risk analysis of the project together with a number of other TeamValue colleagues, who are mainly working on a new Data Warehouse. ''Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal''.Want to know more about what Marco does?👉

Hendrik Middag - Azure Solutions Architect

''Eat an elephant in pieces!'' Always start with a Proof of Value and build out slowly. Our way of working in scrum ensures results, commitment and flexibility. I'm Hendrik Middag, Azure Solutions Architect at TeamValue and I'm currently working on security architecture for several clients. We set a roadmap for realization and implementation. I collaborate mainly with colleagues, the client's Security Officer and analysts. We build bridges between the various teams so that they can also do it when we leave. That's the beauty of delivering value as a consultant. So far, we've already put down a high-level design for monitoring, various insights for the MT and knowledge sessions for the DevOps teams. What have I personally learned the most from? To look at both technology, people and process in the security architecture. Don't forget: ''Keep learning in priority although daily activities push over!''. Soon you will read my anniversary story, because I have been with TeamValue for two years now.Want to know more about our work in the cloud? 👉

Alex van Putten - Agile Coach

''If you just stay yourself long enough, you will naturally become special.'' We probably all know this slogan and for me it says more than enough. I am Alex, Agile Coach at TeamValue. I am currently helping Stater, where 1500 colleagues work on mortgage processes every day. Therefore, the two most important tools for them are IT systems and data. I support the data department to work agile on a large scale. In this way, we want to lead the way in the speed at which services go into production that we then expand internationally. Super cool to do! All teams must feel responsible for the common result. The fact that I can coach people and guide teams in this process gives me the most kick. Agile working creates peace and control. And often also a drive for improvement and a safe working environment where everyone wants to bring out the best in each other. My further dream? I would like to fly around the world one day to be able to work in various cultures. On the spot though!'' Want to know more about our work?👉

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