Thanks Sander!

It is official. However sad, after this week we say goodbye to our cheerful Sander van Uden. Sander will start as an Enterprise Architect at Unica ICT Solutions on 1 April. A job that suits him down to the ground. An opportunity that we think he should grab with both hands.

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Our team members

Before he flies out, we of course asked him all about his time at TeamValue. So let's get started!

Sander, Sander and Xander. It's like we're picking all these XSanders. As if we pick them by name. ;-) Unfortunately after this week we have to say goodbye to Sander van Uden, better known as Suden. After two years Sander returns to his old employer Unica ICT Solutions in the role of Enterprise Architect.

In these two years I have learned a lot about myself. Both on a work-related and a personal level. The team days with Inn-Spiratie helped to put the pieces of the puzzle back in place time and again. I now know very well what I can and want, but also what I cannot and do not want.

With an increasingly complete puzzle in his head, it started to itch. Would he be comfortable working as an external consultant on various projects? I'm someone who likes to work in a permanent team and get results. As an external consultant you are and remain an outsider, despite being part of a team. I see a lot of people around me who fit this role very well, but that wasn't the case with me.

That he will miss his colleagues is obvious. TeamValue has a fantastic team with a high concentration of idiots. I could always spar with someone at a high level, that's what made the team so nice.'' The fifth anniversary of TeamValue was really a gift, Sander laughs. I fell in with my nose to the ground. Flying in a helicopter and spending the night with your colleagues in a beautiful hotel. That was a truly fantastic experience. And not to forget. The fortnightly snack day. Despite the fact that Corona was involved, I thought it was a great initiative. To do something bad and unhealthy together.

But also the 'Certifi-slaving' together with colleague Hendrik is a moment that will always be remembered. Most engineers don't understand the point of certification. Neither did I, until I started talking about it at home. In the end, my wife made the right comment: 'You always talk so much about how good you are, then show it and get those certificates'. That was such an eye-opener that it has become a kind of addiction," laughs Sander. One certificate after the other was obtained in record time. It seemed like a competition. But the biggest compliment for Sander and Hendrik was the fact that they got different team members enthusiastic to get certificates too. It was very contagious. We all went for it!

But time and again Sander also read the books of The Phoenix and Unicorn Project. After each assignment I picked them up again. This gave me new insights and a different perspective on the story. I just try to find something each time that I can adapt or improve on myself.'' And that, of course, is how we like to see it at TeamValue.  

Character is very important. We can only respect that Sander has made this choice. I am glad that they have adopted me as I am and that they have given me this opportunity. In these two years I have learned a lot about myself, I want to thank TeamValue and colleagues for that.''  


And of course the TeamValue colleagues can't stay behind. Working with Suden for two years? That makes for a lot of fun anecdotes!  

Hendrik: ''Sander came to the office last year in May with cake. Nice, we thought. Something nice to have with your coffee, and it was indeed a nice coffee moment. In the evening, I found out through the group app that it was his birthday. Just don't say anything''.

Xander: ''Two years ago, when Sander had just started, we went to Ignite on Tour in Amsterdam. Sander thought all the sessions were rather low-level. Eventually we were at a session about a new AI tool in Microsoft. At one point, Sander got chatting with someone a few seats away. Indeed, under the session. Why? It turned out to be a bit too complicated after all.  

So, Sander complaining about the level, I come hanging out and make the comment 'interesting huh!!!'. Apparently, I made an indispensable impression on Suden there.'

Joost-Jan: ''After that particular session we went for a bite to eat together on the way back. He couldn't wait and fled into a vega-falafel place. Of course we didn't go with him and waited outside, because vega-falafel: you don't do that. We just wanted beer.  

When Anton's patience was exhausted, he walked into the restaurant and shouted loudly, "Are you rooting around here? Eventually, we moved on to a real pub, where they had drinks and decent beer. This moment has stayed with us for a very, very long time. And he still hears rooting on a regular basis.''  

Xander: ''Finally. Suden is not the most convenient painter to have around. During the painting of the office he painted the floor with his shoes instead of the wall with a brush. That was very nice.''

We have full confidence that you (Sander) are going to rock this! (You just don't get to paint, that's the only thing...) Have fun and we hope to see you again soon!

Thanks for everything, Suden.

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