Microsoft Partner

Digital Business, Human Results. Together, we deliver value to our clients. We've been around since 2014 and have a combined 100+ years of experience working in the cloud. From the beginning, we have done so with Microsoft technology. We make a choice in this respect. And for our positioning, our team members and questions in the market, our partnership with Microsoft is the best choice.

How do we implement the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework? And how we place business-critical applications in the cloud in a safe, flexible and scalable manner?

Let me see that

Our Network

We are regularly asked to give demos. Also by colleagues at Microsoft. If organisations are at a loss, if they do not know how to implement the new tooling, if they want to get rid of their legacy or if they simply still have a greenfield and are looking for the best solution for it. Who are you gonna call? TeamValue! We've earned our footprint. Our goal is to bring business and IT together. We do this in the areas of Business Intelligence, Azure Cloud Solutions and Agile Transformations. Our partnership with Microsoft? We are:

  • Microsoft Gold Partner in Cloud Platfrom, Application Integration and Data Analytics
  • Azure consumed revenue at our customers of more than US$2 million
  • PDM managed partner

Microsoft Ireland

With a personal approach, TeamValue always keeps an eye on the goals that are set together with us and a customer.

Paul Fijnvandraat

TeamNow in the Microsoft catalogue

From the technical validation, we were told last week: ''We stress that TeamNow is fully compliant with all architecture principles and security standards. Something we don't always see''.

Hunor Kovacs

What we are working on

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How we do it

Discover the power of The Golden Path. The path to software that really adds value. Our Digital Factory, architecture, responsibilities and the independence of systems enable organisations to implement One Button Deploy. A proven method that helps you work just-in-time, measurably, irrefutably, predictably and scalably. All this safely in the cloud.

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