Customer case Allego & TeamValue (Business Transformation)

Providing service to more than 14,000 charging stations thanks to an optimised IT process in collaboration with TeamValue.

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A few years ago, Allego decided they wanted, besides the supply of charging stations, to offer more services. The IT department predicted problems with scaling up the number of charging stations within the EV Cloud. Especially with the growth from back then and the future in mind. In addition, Allego wanted to continue to guarantee quality alongside this growth. Something had to change, so TeamValue was brought in. The result? A BizDevOps process, the architecture for a scalable EV Cloud platform, based on Cloud Best Practices and an ISO 27001 certification. And all this is visible for the customers with a uniform customer experience on all portals and mobile apps.


ISO 27001

The ISO 27001 certification was achieved within one year as one of the first in the market, based on the Golden Path way of working.

Cloud Best Practices

The architecture is based on Cloud Best Practices and structured in micro-services to ensure the highest possible scalability and availability.

Modern Service Management

The IT Operations department is set up based on Modern Service Management Principles and is managed on Secure Score, Mean Time to Repair and Uptime.

Security Framework

The Security Framework has been implemented within all DevOps teams, where security incidents are detected through monitoring.

DevOps teams

The DevOps teams provide the development of new functionalities as well as operational support. They monitor the uptime of their applications resulting in early warnings to prevent any downtime situation.

More insightful

The performance of the DevOps teams is structurally transparent using TeamNow dashboards.

New functionalities

New functionalities for the EV Cloud are rolled out into production several times a day using 100% automated (CI/CD) releases.


The Scrum process started with three DevOps teams and has been scaled up to eleven DevOps teams.


The design of the EV Cloud portals and Corporate website were created based on the desired User Experience in Sitecore.

"TeamValue combines the change of team and business processes with the change of IT processes. The ideal combination for Allego at that time. Besides the technology, which many companies have in house, TeamValue also looks at the process and the employees to realize and especially secure change within the organization."

- Mourad Dahmani - Scrummaster and cloud architect

The Value

It is important for Allego to stay ahead as in this industry developments happen very quickly. Allego called in the help of Microsoft and TeamValue. We went for a real change of 'the way of working'. Cooperation makes us smart, entrepreneurship is our strength! Anton and Anouchka, together with Marc Diks, implemented the Agile method, the so-called 'Golden Path' at Allego; an even more efficient way of working. And it worked!

Where Justin, as scrum master, kept Allego on the 'Golden Path', Maurits ensured that all agreements were transferred into the designs. Anouchka coached on the way-of-working and Anton on the IT process. Thanks to them, the IT values and norms have been firmly established. "This multidisciplinary approach has brought the right changes. I am proud of how Allego currently runs", says Joost Groeneveld, Product Owner at Allego.

The Team

According to Allego, the people of TeamValue bring authenticity, guts, trust, expertise and a 'get things done' mentality. Marc Diks: "Employee satisfaction is higher now because you give people more freedom and trust." TeamValue helps companies who need their applications to be reliable 24/7. TeamValue does this by setting up the Cloud architecture and implementing BizDevOps. BizDevOps is an Agile way of working, where Business and IT work closely together. TeamValue actively participates in (project) teams to achieve the desired results.

"TeamValue was recommended to me by Microsoft. I wanted to get more out of the Development department and be able to deliver more predictable in the same amount of time. It clicked immediately with Anouchka. What I like about her is that she is very straightforward and 'to the point'. With her, it is never just a little bit good. It is either good or not good. This clarity fits well in the IT world."

- Marc Diks, CIO of Allego

Allego & TeamValue

Allego facilitates electric charging station solutions to cities, businesses and consumers, using the EV Cloud for the user. That makes them stand out. Allego is currently one of the largest players in the market for charging solutions for electric vehicles.
TeamValue is a young and ambitious company in Zwolle. Founded on a passion for people and IT. At TeamValue we are honest and open with each other and our clients. Together we always go for the best result. Together, because the Team is central.

"The people at TeamValue all have the same work ethic: strong in content, no bullshit and they know how to get things done. They only needed a very short start-up period. It was as if they had been working here for much longer. 'Hit the ground running' definitely applies."

- Elliot Wagschal - CISO Allego


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